I made English 3 and 4 here at university and I’m very pleased with the experience. I have learned a lot about how to use what I know of English. For example, I used to have many problems speaking English in public (I still have some) but the videos we are making, and all conversations in classes have helped me a lot with that. Also, I have learned some expressions that native English speakers use in their lives, so I can understand them better.
The use of blogs was new for me. I have to made a blog, because I haven’t got one, but it was fun. I think writing posts in my blog helped me to improve my writing skills. Also, it is very funny to see my classmates’ posts, and all the comments they write.
I think one of the most difficult things for me is writing and speak in English. But reading in English helps me a lot with writing (Books, papers for university, etc.). Speaking in English will be more difficult for me, I think. Speaking requires talk constantly in English, and caring about pronunciation and if what I’m saying is correct or has sense, but with practice I hope to improve that.
Having English classes have helped me a lot to learn the language (so I can understand all songs I listen to, and series), but also with all the texts in university that I have to read.
Anyway, this course was really funny for me, I spent a really good time and I learned a lot <3